Our Story

So why a subscription box curated around self care for DVM Women?  Great question.

Pawsitive Renewal is brought to you by the collaboration of Dr. Stephanie Hickey, DVM, and Kelley Stevens, dog lover and BIG FAN of Dr. Hickey. (Who doesn't love having a friend who is also an amazing Veterinarian?)

Dr. Hickey shared a post one day highlighting the mental health crisis that is rampant in Veterinary medicine. As a family of crazy dog people, the Stevens were stunned, then crushed, to learn that at that time, Veterinary Medicine had the highest incidents of mental health crises of any profession.

We believe that Veterinary mental health extends beyond the doors of the office and extends to everyone who had ever loved an animal. Because Veterinarians care for the creatures that bring happiness and emotional support to their humans, we believe that it is so important for them to be well supported.

Why DVM Women? Well, that's easy. Being women adds another "layer" of depletion. For many of us, care giving is part of our reality whether for children, friends, aging parents, or other loved ones. We have experience in this area. The creation of Pawsitive Renewal is an attempt to offer an avenue of self care that DVM Women can look forward to on a monthly basis, and enjoy again and again.